Charles (Chuck) F. Marler is a Private Investigator in Houston Texas. He has been a PI since 2008 and has worked civil and criminal case to include million-dollar lawsuits, workman's compensation claims, child custody, cheating spouses, criminal defense, kidnappings and murder. Prior to working as a PI, Marler worked for 16 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigations as an Investigative Specialist working major cases and conducting undercover surveillance on drug cartels, terrorists and espionage targets. As a PI, Marler has successfully closed thousands of cases and secured confessions from numerous individuals to include having three individuals confess to murder.

Marler formed the company Legals Services (LS) to cater to the needs of law firms and businesses who need a professional performance when working their important cases that effect employees, clients, products and performance. LS is staff with five additional PIs with law enforcement, military and professional backgrounds.


As a PI company, LS provides the highest level training in surveillance, performance and reporting. LS has provided picture and video evidence in hundreds of civil cases and the PIs have all provided testimony in court. LS performs hundreds of interviews a year and has successfully gained written, notarized and audio confessions from employees of clients that committed 100k plus theft from their perspective companies.

As a PI company, in criminal defense case, LS brings considerable knowledge to uncovering law enforcement's mistakes and their non-disclosure of exonerating material. LS has conducted thousands of backgrounds on opposition, witnesses and complainants. This material has help defense attorneys get charges reduced and at times dropped for their clients. LS has worked on numerous Medicare and Medicaid criminal defense cases. LS has worked on three dozen murder cases and helped the defense attorneys get lighter sentences in 90% and secured 2 not guilty’s.

Charles Marler Security Experience

Marler formerly worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation as an Investigation Specialist conducting undercover surveillances all across the country and performing security for major events like the Olympics, Superbowls and Worldseries. He held a TopSec clearance and was trained on FBI security procedures, worked frequently with security personnel to secure field offices, resident agencies, off-sites and clandestine sites. He conducted undercover surveillances regarding Counter Terrorism, Counter Intelligence and Drug Interdiction targets. He worked dozens of major cases all across the country during his career at the FBI. He is now a licensed Private Investigator in the State of Texas and routinely performs security assessments for companies, office buildings and high-rises. He was recently brought in by several firms to assess the problems with the Astroworld security after the tragic deaths of concert goers.

1. Received Security Training from Houston FBI Security Officer 1992, 1994 and 1996.
2. FBI Surveillance and Investigative training 1996.
3. FBI Clandestine Site Security from FBI Quantico.
4. Clandestine Site Security and Surveillance training from the Central Intelligence Agency 1999.